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Understanding You KIngdom Rights And Divine Privileges Understanding You KIngdom Rights And Divine Privileges

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   Discussion: Understanding You KIngdom Rights And Divine Privileges
Apostle M. R. Taylor · 8 years, 1 month ago

Understanding Your Kingdom Rights And Divine Privileges

  1. ​Walking and living in the abundant life.
  2. ​There is no corruption in your  body, soul and spirit.
  3. ​There is the tranquility of The Holy Spirit within you, no matter what the circumstances.
  4. ​There is Divine Protection.  Walk in approved steps. Psalm 37:23
  5. The Spirit of God is reigning in you, not your body or soul.
  6. ​The Voice of the Lord will speak to you clearly for through The Holy Spirit for your guidance and direction.
  7. ​The Spiritual Gift of The Discerning of spirits will keep Satan from breaking in.
  8. ​The Spirit of the Lord has exercised your senses and has taught you the difference between truth and the lies of the enemy.
  9. ​You are an overcomer because you know the power of God available to you as a believer in The Word of God.
  10. ​You know your position of authority in Christ Jesus, your righteousness.
  11. ​The Word of God operates in evidence.
  12. ​Once you believe and doubt not, and have faith and speak the Word of God out of your mouth, what you confess is instantly brought into manifestation.
  13. Heaven becomes evident here on earth.
  14. ​The Joy of the Lord is your strength.  You can rejoice in the Lord in this life on earth.
  15. ​It is evident you are pleasing God with your faith in Him.  He will tell you.
  16. ​You have confidence in your redemption from all curses and sin.
  17. ​Your react to persecution just like Jesus Christ did, blessing those that curse you and praying for those who despitefully use you.
  18. ​You have a forgiving heart.  You don't have to justify yourself.
  19. ​There is the evidence of the blessing of prosperity upon your life.
  20. ​You are immune to the plagues of this world.
  21. ​You love to give "first" and then receive.
  22. ​All your needs are supernaturally supplied.
  23. ​You have The Mind of Christ in all decisions.
  24. ​No good thing will God withhold from you because you Seek The Kingdom of God first.
  25. ​You know God loves you because you know what The Fear (Reverence) of the Lord is.
  26. ​All of these results come from appropriating The Promises of God and allowing them to work in your daily life to do The Perfecting Work which needs to be done in you.

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