Bishop-Elect Howard Ngwira, Pastor Deliverance Christian Church
Lilongwe, Malawi
Pentecostal Churches Of Truth Fellowship-Africa
1. PRAYER: Intensive continued prayer that will result unto working of miracles. Signs and Wonders must be wrought.
2. WITNESSING: All sorts of intensive witnessing by all members of the church like part of their daily life.
3. LOVE: Through gifts or alms from a compassionate heart to the needy.
The Holy Spirit was ministering to me that the church that will practice any one of the three on a serious bases the church will grow grown where it currently is now.
Which way are we practicing? If by prayer, is it a part of our life, how often or, how many hours a day? This is not just one day weekly intercessions.
If by witnessing then, how often and is it by the whole church?
If by sharing our Christian love then, how much and how often are we ministering to the needs of those that come unto our fellowships?
The testimony of our love will go out and it will enable many to come into our fellowships.
We have found we in Lilongwe that we have fallen short in each of these areas of church growth however, we continue to prayer that God strengthen us in our ministry so that we may be able to do the work that He has set before our hands!
Examine your church concerning these three ways to grow the church!
Bishop-Elect Howard Ngwira