"Has God Forgotten Me?"
Psalm 77:8-9 "Has his unfailing love vanished forever? Has his promise failed for all time? Has God forgotten to be merciful? Has he in anger witheld his compassion?"
Though you cannot see how something can be done, if God has said that He will do it, that's enough!
There can be no obstructions to "promised salvation" which we need to fear. He Who Is The God of this Salvation, and The Author of the Promise wll prepare His Own way for the doing of His Own work, so that "Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and every hill shall be brought low" (Luke 3:3).
Though the valleys seem so deep that we cannot see the bottom, and the moulntains so high that we cannot see the tops of them, God knows how to raise the one and level the other.
Isaiah 63:1 says, "I that speak in righteousness (or, faithfulness) am mighty to save." In Romans 3:3 the Apostle Paul writes, "If anything would keep back The Kingdom of Christ, it wouid be our infidelity, but He will come, though He should find no faith on the earth."
Do not be discouraged because God seems slow in His work, you have a sure and faithful word to rely upon. Promises, though theybe for a time seemingly delayed, cannot be frustrating to the believer. Do not harbor such a thought within yourselves. The Promises of God will never fail because they spring forth from the very Essence of God Himself!
That which does not come in your time, will come in His time, which is always the convenient season to meet every need.
(Adapted from: Dr. Charles H. Spurgeons's "The Treasury of David")