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Apostle M. R. Taylor · 11 years ago



Introduction To The Bible Study

In the Book of Genesis, Chapter Seventeen and Verse Number One, god introduces Himself to The Patriarch Abraham as, "The Almighty God." It is through this revelatory introduction in The Word of God that God wants to reveal Himself to us as "The Almighty God" in the various difficult situtations that we face in our lives.

It is through His Unlimited Power that He wants to give to us a future that is brighter than we can imagine. However, we must learn to indentify just Who God Is in our lives, as well as learn to trust Him completely by allowing Him to lead us by His Holy Spirit.


A. The Hebrew word for "Almighty God" is "EL-SHADDAI", which means that God is the One Who will provide for us in every way.

Genesis 17:1-2

1. The etymological signification of Almighty God (El-Shaddai) is both interesting and touching. God (EL) signifies "The Strong One." EL (God) is "Elohim" in all HIs strength and power. EL (in this context of the word) is stronger than Elohim. Elohim is "God-The Creator but, EL (God) is "God-The Omnipotent.

Genesis 14:18-22 EL (God) possesses all power.

Genesis 16:13 EL (God) know all.

Psalm 57:2 EL (God) performs all things for His people.

2. The qualifying word "Shaddai" is formed from the Hebrew word "Shad" meaning "the breast" which is invariably used in The Holy Scriptures signifying "a woman's breast."

Shaddai (Almighty) used with EL means "God Almighty." It is God (EL), not as the source of strength, but more specifically of grace; not as "The Creator" but as, "The Giver." Shaddai is "The Almighty Bountiful One." The distinction refers not to His "creative power" (which is reserved for His distinction as: Elohim), but to His power to supply all the needs of His people.

Shaddai therefore means primarily "the breasted." God is "Shaddai" (He Who supplies and satisfies) because He is "The Nourisher" and "The Strength-Giver" and so in the secondary sense, He is "The Satisfier" Who pours Himself into the lives of the believers.

El Shaddai is the name of God which sets Him forth as "The Strength-Giver" and "The Satisfier" of His people. It is on every account to be regarded that "Shaddai" was translated as "Almighty."

B. We are childre of the promise, and the promise is The Holy Spirit.

Galatians 4:21-31

 1. God wants to speak to each of us everyday. By His Holy Spirit, god leads us to everything we need.

 a. Under grace, we live by The Holy Spirit's guidance.

 b. We must trust and rely on God completely and allow Him to lead our lives. As He leads us, we may not always know where we're going or what the next step will be.

 c. We have to depend on His direction every step of the way.

 2. We should not place our confidence in our own ability; all our trust should be in Him.

 a. We must choose to renew our minds with The Word of God so that we can walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh.

 b. The flesh is a way of thinking that opposes God.

 c. The more we operate in grace, the more the holy Spirit can lead us.

Galatians 4:1-7

 d. When we accept what Jesus Christ has done for us and allow The Holy Spirit to guide us, we operate as mature sons and daughters of God.

Scripture References

Genesis 17:1-2 Genesis 14:18-22 Genesis 16:13 Psalm 57:2 Galatians 4:21-31 Galatians 4:1-7






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