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New Deliverance Pentecostal Church Of Truth New Deliverance Pentecostal Church Of Truth

The Influence of the Holy Spirit in the World The Influence of the Holy Spirit in the World

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   Discussion: The Influence of the Holy Spirit in the World
Apostle M. R. Taylor · 10 years ago

New Deliverance Pentecostal Church Of Truth Incorporated

Bible Study Series

"The Influence Of The Holy Spirit In The World!"


*  Introduction The The Bible Study

The Holy Ghost wants to orchestrate change in your life.  Many are pregnant with gifts, callings and miracles. Many are long overdue, and the Holy Spirit is inducing labor to bring forth delivery.  Just because you have messed up in the past, many of you believe that your calling has been annulled.  The devil is a liar, for ". . . the gifts and calling of God are without repentance" (Romans 11:29) that is, they are "irrevocable" - in other words, He will not take them back!

The Holy Ghost has come to convince and influence you to change.  Dare to be different!  Refuse to become a part of the mundane crowd going nowhere!  Rise up and shake yourself!  Commit yourself to serving God in a church that is reflecting change by the influence of the Holy Ghost!

A.  Change - "A Gift From God!"

Change is a gift from God!  It is given to the person who finds themselves too far removed from what he or she feels that destiny has ordained for them.

There is nothing wrong with being wrong - but there is something wrong with not making the necessary adjustments to get things right!  Even within the Christian Community, some people do not believe in God's ability to change the human heart.  This unbelief in God's ability to change life's situations and circumstances causes people to judge others on the basis of their past.

Dead issues are periodically revived in the mouths of gossips.  However, still the Lord progressively regenerates the minds of His children.  Do not automatically assume that real change occurs without struggle and prayer.  However, do not be discouraged, "Change can be achieved!"

B.  Repentance - "God's Gift To A Struggling Heart"

Acts: 5:31 NIV.  "God exalted Him (Jesus Christ), to His own right hand as Prince and Savior that He might give repentance and forgiveness of sins to Israel."

The Holy Bible calls change "repentance."  Repentance is God's gift to a struggling heart that wants to find himself.  The Lord want to bring you to a place of safety and shelter.  Without  the Holy Spirit's help you can search and still not find repentance.

The Lord will show the place of repentance only to those who hunger and thirst after righteousness.  One moment with the Holy Spirit can lead you into a place of renewal that on your own, you could not find or enjoy!

Notes From: Bishop T. D. Jakes - "Release Your Destiny, Release Your Anointing!"

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